Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, die Ausstellungsfläche BARBATUS Maribor auf der Messe WEBUILD Energiesparmesse 2022 in Wels zu besuchen.
Wir präsentieren Ihnen hochwertige Produkte für die Holzbiomasseheizung SENKO Čakovec und Topling Prnjavor.


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Why choose BARBATUS?
Our close business and family realtionship with production company SENKO give us a wary good possibility and different solution for our customer in Europe.
Objective and investment performance is the satisfaction of our customers and clients, which meet the fast and efficient return on investment with long-life products.
Business philosophy of the company on which we are standing is a continuous development, the use of high quality materials and overall management of the production process and great satisfaction for customers and users is our mission!
All our product followed and adapted different and nessesary environmentally friendly directives and, in accordance with sustainable development, the appropriate use of renewable energy sources while continuing to offer products for the most widely used conventional sources.
We offer our customer quality, reliability, trust and loyalty.